Triumph/TR3A Projects:Custom backseat

I wanted a back seat in my Triumph TR3A for two reasons:

  1. For my dog, Kodi The Bear
  2. To hide and secure some speakers.
  3. To hide and secure an alarm system.
Since the Triumph TR3 is positive ground, I needed to shield the stereo components from the car ground, which is why I chose wood.

Ironically, I've since found out who trivial it is to convert to negative ground thanks to my alternator conversion.

I also mounted the speakers on the inside of the seat and locked it, and the seats themselves are bolted to the car frame from the inside, so the speakers and alarm can't be messed with or stolen without cutting through the wood or the car body.

The non-back seat
(don't mind the clutter...)
The metal frame
welded from "wiring channel" (Home Depot)
Frame installed
note two bolts 2nd hole down on diagonal brace, and hinges on top
Finished seat
minus upholstery (and actually this is before the internal bolts that hold the bottom panel to the frame)
Finished seat
opened for access. Soon this will be locked so my speakers will be secure.
One of the reasons
I made the backseat..
was so that Kodi
would have a place to sit.
Thanks to Wally's Upholstery
And painted,
with speaker ports chopped out
Frame painted too, to avoid rust.
Speakers installed. Speaker covers flattened and attached.
The alarm system, wi..g and electric lock.
I'm in trouble if the lock ever breaks... :)
Finally done.
I got my hands on some acoustically transparent carpeting and upholstered the front.
Photo album generated by album from Dave Madison's MarginalHacks on Mon Nov 4 22:29:48 2024